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Bosch Drilling Cylinder 9 Ceramic Tile Drill Bit 6mm Silver
TM116808Evo-Stik TX528 Thixotropic Contact Adhesive 1L
CMEVO197Bosch Drilling Cylinder 9 Ceramic Tile Drill Bit 7mm Silver
TM116812Dow Insta-Stik Multi Purpose Adhesive 750ml
CMDWC810Bosch Drilling Cylinder 9 Ceramic Tile Drill Bit 8mm Silver
TM116814ACO HexDrain Brickslot Channel 1m x 125mm Black
ACO19555Zinsser B-I-N Primer - Sealer - Stain Killer 2.5L White
HD7021C1Simpson Strong-Tie Masonry Joist Hanger 150 x 47 x 2mm
HWSIJM65Simpson Strong-Tie Masonry Joist Hanger 175 x 47 x 2mm
HWSIJM75Simpson Strong-Tie Masonry Joist Hanger 200 x 47 x 2mm
HWSIJM85Vitrex Combination Spreader / Filler Squeegee 120mm
THVTX329Simpson Strong-Tie Strap Bent (at 100mm) 5 x 1000mm
HWSIH10BSimpson Strong-Tie Masonry Joist Hanger 225 x 47 x 2mm
HWSIJM95Simpson Strong-Tie JHA450 Timber Joist Hanger Long Leg 47mm
HWSIJX04Simpson Strong-Tie Strap Bent (at 100mm) 5 x 1200mm
HWSIH12ASimpson Strong-Tie Scrolled Hip Iron 300 x 25 x 150 x 3mm
HWSHI003Simpson Strong-Tie Square Plate Washer 50 x 50 x 2.5mm
HWSISPWGSimpson Strong-Tie Framing Anchor 115 x 35 x 35 x 1.20mm
HWSIA350Simpson Strong-Tie Reinforced Angle Brackets 90 x 65 x 90 x 2.5mm
HWSIAB03Simpson Strong-Tie Herringbone Joist Strut 400 x 27 x 1mm
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