Wall & Frame Ties
Browse wall ties & frame ties for use with cavity walls. With wall starter kits, frame cramps for joining masonry walls and wall ties by Ancon.
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Metal frame and wall ties are part of the Jewson metalwork range, giving you the fixtures and fittings you need to secure masonry layers together and safely attach plasterboard to cavity walls. Our range of wall and frame ties includes recognised and respected brands such as Ancon and Simpson, to meet stringent specifications on jobs where only market-leading building materials are acceptable.
Cavity wall ties provide a strong connection between the adjacent layers, as well as brick ties that can securely link the two neighbouring wythes in a double-leaf or collar-joint wall. Wall ties can be used to connect adjacent leaves of different building materials, for example to cross-brace double-leaf walls of clay bricks and concrete blocks, or can be placed at regular intervals across walls built using only one type of bricks or blocks.
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