Air bricks and brick vents are an important method of sub-floor ventilation to keep fresh air circulating around timber joists and other parts of the property that may be susceptible to condensation and damp damage. Jewson air bricks are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, to suit different projects and specifications, as well as in a number of common shades of buff and red to match your masonry. Clay air bricks will blend in well alongside clay bricks of the same colour, while adding that essential ventilation to your build to prevent long-term damp problems and excess humidity. If you're unsure which brick is best suited to your project, please ask in-branch and one of our brick experts will be happy to help you choose. To reduce future maintenance, it is also wise to install air brick covers which can help to prevent ventilation holes from becoming clogged by dirt and debris.
Air bricks are not only for sub-floor applications, as they can be used anywhere where fresh air needs to be allowed to enter the property, from ground level right up to the roof. Because of this, clay air bricks in the eaves can be an effective form of roofing ventilation, helping to reduce condensation risks in lofts and attic spaces. Remember to add cement to your order to make sure you have everything you need to install air bricks with the appropriate mortar layer surrounding them.
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