Roofing timber provides reliable support for roofs with protection against moisture damage, wood rot, insects, and pests. Jewson stocks a variety of supplies, including red and blue battens for easy recognition on the job site, and products from known brand-name manufacturers like Marley.
Roofing laths must meet certain standards in order to achieve a reliable finished roof. That's where blue and red dyes help for faster identification on-site. These roofing lats are certified to British Standards including BS5534, with the dye colour serving as a quick and easy way to tell this apart from other roofing timber during construction.
We also offer sarking boards, and standard treated roof rafter timber, often referred to as green roofing timber, for a variety of applications where BS certification is not needed. If you have any questions about any of our roof timber, please ask in-branch where one of our timber experts will be happy to help. To complete your new roof installation or refurbishment, take a look at our selection of roof sheets and loft & roof insulation, to achieve a warm and weatherproof finish.
Order roofing timber online today for delivery or collection to suit your needs. If you need specific lengths of timber and can’t find the exact length online, please speak to a team member at your nearest branch.