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Fence Posts & Caps

Explore our range of fence posts & caps, including slotted concrete posts & treated timber fence posts. Available in different styles to match any fencing.

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Jewson sell garden fence posts made of wood and concrete, so you're free to choose your preferred option. Wooden fence posts have a natural aesthetic and are available in both green and dyed brown timber, incised and treated for long-term outdoor use. Slotted fence posts are ideal for quick installation, as they allow timber fence panels to be lowered into place with no need to fix the panel to the post.

If you decide to use timber fence posts, consider adding fence post caps for a decorative finish. These can quickly transform the aesthetic of wood fence posts, for a higher standard of visual finish overall, and are not expensive or difficult to install. Trade prices are available online and in-branch for Jewson Account holders.

Concrete fence posts can be combined with gate posts to add an access point to your fence. The reinforced post is an ideal option for secure fences, and can be installed with a row of gravelboards at the bottom of the fence so that the timber panels do not come into contact with the ground at any point.

For a durable and well anchored fence, add cement or fast-set Postmix aggregates to your order, which can be placed in the bottom of the post hole to set solid and hold the post in position. We also supply post spurs, which are used to reinforce old timber posts and can keep the fence structurally sound until it is permanently repaired or replaced.


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