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Top Tips for Cleaning a Cement Mixer

Cleaning is important for looking after a cement mixer. Cement and other materials can build up inside the mixer's drum and outside, which could damage the mixer and affect how well it works.

Learn the step-by-step instructions on how to clean a cement mixer, including tips on preparing the mixer for cleaning, choosing the right cleaning products and tools, and properly rinsing and drying the mixer. 

Whether you're a professional construction worker or just starting out, these tips will help you keep your cement mixer in top condition and ready for your next project.

Why you should clean a cement mixer

Regular cleaning keeps the cement mixer working and makes sure it’s safe to use. Build-up can happen when cement mixers are not cleaned properly. Concrete dries and hardens inside the drum, clogging and stopping the paddles from mixing. 

Leftover cement can also get into new batches of concrete and ruin the mixture. Old materials can make the cement uneven and weak. Dried and leftover concrete can also break off and fly out of the mixer, causing injuries or damage to a home.

Cement mixer

How to clean a cement mixer: preparation tips 

To make sure the cleaning goes smoothly, you need to follow some preparation tips. 

  1. Turn off the mixer to stop it from accidentally starting while you are cleaning.
  2. Remove any loose concrete using a shovel or broom to make it easier to clean the hardened material inside the drum. 
  3. Rinse the inside of the cement mixer drum with water to loosen any leftover cement. You can do this with a hose or pressure washer — just follow the instructions.
  4. Remove the paddles or blades from the drum to make cleaning easier.
  5. Check the paddles and make sure they are not damaged. Look for signs of large amounts of wear. Replace any damaged parts before using the mixer again.
  6. Cover the cement mixer’s engine and other electrical parts with a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect them from water or cleaning products.

Your cement mixer is now safe and ready for a deep clean.

How to clean a cement mixer drum 

The drum is the most important part of the cement mixer and needs to be regularly cleaned.

Follow these steps to clean a cement mixer drum for the best results. 

  1. Put on gloves and goggles to protect yourself from cleaning products that might splash during cleaning.
  2. Fill the drum with water to around a third.
  3. Add concrete cleaner or other cleaning products. Follow the instructions on your chosen product for exact amounts. The type of product you use depends on what you want to clean off the mixer.
  4. Plug in the mixer, turn it on, and let it run for 10-15 minutes. This turns the cleaning mixture in the drum and breaks down the cement.
  5. Stop the mixer and empty the drum. Use a scraper or shovel to remove any leftover cement.
  6. Rinse the inside of the drum with clean water using a hose or pressure water.
  7. Repeat the cleaning steps until the drum is completely clean and there is no more hardened cement or other materials.
  8. Dry the inside of the drum before using the cement mixer again.
Hosing a cement mixer

Cleaning the outside of a cement mixer

Although the drum is usually the dirtiest part, cleaning the outside of a cement mixer is still important to help it last longer.

Here’s how to properly clean the outside of your cement mixer.

  1. Put on your protective gear, like gloves and goggles, to protect yourself from cleaning products that might splash during cleaning.
  2. Use a hose or a pressure washer to clean off loose dirt from the outside of the mixer.
  3. Make a cleaning mixture of warm water and mild soap. Don’t use harsh chemicals — these could damage the mixer’s paint or finish.
  4. Use a sponge or brush and wash the outside with the cleaning mixture. Move in circular motions to remove tough stains and dirt.
  5. Rinse the mixture with a hose or pressure, making sure all the cleaning mixture is gone.
  6. Dry the outside with a clean towel or cloth.
  7. Finish with a protective wax or polish. This helps stop dirt from sticking to the outside of the mixer in the future.

Tools and materials to clean a cement mixer

These tools and materials make cleaning a cement mixer easier and have better results. 

  • Gloves and eye protection
  • Shovel or broom
  • Hose or pressure washer
  • Concrete cleaner or other cleaning product
  • Sponge or brush 
  • Mild soap and warm water mixture
  • Towel or cloth 
  • Wax or polish

What cement mixer cleaner should you use?

The cement mixer cleaner you choose depends on what you need to remove from the equipment.

Here are some common types of cleaners that can be used to clean a cement mixer. 

  • Concrete dissolver – A strong cleaner that breaks down concrete, mortar, and other dried materials. It’s good for cement mixers with lots of build-up.
  • Acid-based cleaner – Good for removing rust, lime scale, and other mineral deposits. 
  • Degreaser – Helps break down and remove grease, oil, and other types of organic material. 

Whatever cleaner you choose, make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before using. Follow the steps and wear protective gloves and goggles to stop injury from splashes or fumes. Always clean the drum after using any product to make sure it doesn’t damage the cement mixer.

How to look after a cement mixer

Properly looking after your cement mixer can make it last longer and keep it in good working condition.

Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Clean the mixer after each use – this stops cement from hardening inside the drum and damaging the mixer.
  • Check the mixer – look for any signs of damage or wear and tear, like cracks in the drum or worn-out parts, and replace if needed.
  • Grease moving parts – keep the moving parts of a cement mixer wet helps protect them from rust.
  • Store correctly – when not using the mixer, store it in a dry and covered area to protect it from weather conditions.
  • Follow instructions – always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using the cement mixer. 

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