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How a beautiful kitchen (on a budget) can be yours

If you are unhappy with your kitchen it can be a frustrating place to be; whether your frustration lies with a layout that doesn’t work or with cupboards that are falling apart, if your kitchen no longer meets your family’s needs it’s time for a change.

Replacing a kitchen is a major project but a great looking, robust kitchen can be achieved on a budget! When planning your kitchen think about the areas you are happy to save on, for example would you sooner splurge on a solid oak worktop but save by installing vinyl flooring?

To get you started here are few cost saving ideas:



A large part of the budget for a new kitchen will be eaten up by the installation, if you are, or you know someone who is, a competent DIYer you could save £££s by fitting your new kitchen yourself. There are plenty of online resources available to help and tool-hire places can supply the exact equipment you need. Remember however, you will need a Gas Safe plumber or gas engineer to fit gas appliances and an electrician for electrical works.

Are your existing appliances in decent working order? If so then simply get your gas engineer/ electrician to re-fit them once the new kitchen is in.

Get creative

Get creative

When tiling rather than re-tile the whole area consider just tiling behind the sink and hob, this way you can choose bold, quality tiles which enhance your design but won’t break the bank.

The finishing touches can really make the difference so get crafty and think of little additions you can add such as making your own blind or curtains or painting cheap plant pots in colours to match your room and potting with herbs.

Of course, the main expense when renovating the kitchen is the kitchen units but thankfully here at Jewson we offer a range of great-looking, quality kitchens that won’t break the budget.

Here is one of our kitchens on a budget

The Kenywn Collection: Available in four versatile colours, the Kenwyn collection offers a modern twist on a classic design. Perfect for both small and large kitchen spaces, it is ideal for use in modern or traditional homes.


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