Explore our extensive range of industry-standard restraint straps. Sourced from the finest quality of pre-galvanized steel, a strong material known for its formability and resistance to corrosion. These durable bat straps are incredibly lightweight, which makes them easy to carry and strap down during the handling and installation process. Our lateral restraint straps can easily lock concrete blocks into place, keeping a sturdy hold of the bulky materials. Browse the Jewson range of building materials so you can find what you need for your heavy-duty construction projects.
Restraint Straps
Explore our range of industry-standard restraint straps. These products are known for their formability and resistance to corrosion. A formed-edge design gives additional strength and requires low maintenance due to prior treatments.
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Simpson Strong-Tie Heavy Engineered Restraint Strap 600 mm
HES06B10Simpson Strong-Tie Heavy Flat Restraint Strap 1000 x 5mm
HWSIH10FSimpson Strong-Tie Heavy Twisted Restraint Strap 1000 x 150 x 5mm
HWSIH15TSimpson Strong-Tie Light Flat Restraint Strap 1000 x 2.5mm
HWSIL10FSimpson Strong-Tie Light Twisted Restraint Strap 1000 x 100 x 2.5mm
HWSIL10TSimpson Strong-Tie Heavy Engineered Restraint Strap 1200 mm
HES12B10Simpson Strong-Tie Heavy Engineered Restraint Strap 1500 mm
HES15B10Simpson Strong-Tie Heavy Engineered Restraint Strap 1000 mm
HES10B10Simpson Strong-Tie Light Engineered Restraint Strap 600 mm
LES06B10Simpson Strong-Tie Light Engineered Restraint Strap 1000 mm
LES10B10Simpson Strong-Tie Light Engineered Restraint Strap 1200 mm
LES12B10Simpson Strong-Tie Restraint Strap 1000 x 30 x 5mm Galvanised
HWSIH10TSimpson Strong-Tie Restraint Strap Bent 800 x 33 x 1.5mm
LES08B10Simpson Strong-Tie Restraint Strap 600 x 30 x 5mm Pre-galvanised
HWSIH06FSimpson Strong-Tie Restraint Strap 1200 x 30 x 5mm Pre-galvanised
HWSIST08Simpson Strong-Tie Flat Restraint Strap 900 x 30 x 2.5mm
HWL09F00Simpson Strong-Tie Flat Restraint Strap 1200 x 30 x 2.5mm
HWL12F00Simpson Strong-Tie Engineered Restraint Strap 800 x 1.5mm
HES08B10Simpson Strong-Tie Light Duty Restraint Strap Bent 2.50 x 1200mm
HWSIGRS2Simpson Strong-Tie Holding Down Strap
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